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Transformation of Foliage


Oct 28 2023


1:00 pm - 4:00 pm



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Willow Wells will guide you through the process of observing and mimicking patterns seen in nature and how to use these patterns to create something new. With a focus on the beauty and diversity of plants, you will draw and transform them into other things using various drawing techniques such as sketching and coloring. You are encouraged to think creatively and transform your plant inspiration into animals, buildings, or abstract designs.

This workshop will be an engaging and fun activity for the community while also providing opportunities for skill development and creativity. Participants will gain a greater appreciation for the beauty and diversity of plants while also enjoying the process of transforming them.

Ages 14 & up

Materials will be provided

Partial scholarships available upon request to

Registration and Materials


Surel's Place
212 E 33rd Street


Oct 28 2023


1:00 pm - 4:00 pm



Transformation of Foliage

Willow Wells will guide you through the process of observing and mimicking patterns seen in nature and how to use these patterns to create something new. With a focus on the beauty and diversity of plants, you will draw and transform them into other things using various drawing techniques such as sketching and coloring. You are encouraged to think creatively and transform your plant inspiration into animals, buildings, or abstract designs.

This workshop will be an engaging and fun activity for the community while also providing opportunities for skill development and creativity. Participants will gain a greater appreciation for the beauty and diversity of plants while also enjoying the process of transforming them.

Ages 14 & up

Materials will be provided

Partial scholarships available upon request to

Registration and Materials