The Power of Connection: Mental Wellness Rally
Come get connected! On January 31st from 6-9pm, Connection is the Cure is hosting an event to connect people to people and people to resources. This mental wellness rally will have an incredible lineup of speakers, musicians, and workshops for all ages. There will be over 50 booths to provide information, as well as engaging activities to help attendees learn about skills and resources that can benefit their mental and emotional health. Join us as we strive to bring hope to those whose lives have been touched by suicide, addiction and mental health.
There will be incredible speakers, including:
Brad Jensen the “Sober Bodybuilder,” a wellness coach who overcame a decade long battle with addiction and now uses that experience to help others live their best life.
Comedy Sports, a local improv and comedy troupe.
Ali and Christina Christensen, a fantastic sister duo from eastern Idaho with an incredible story of perseverance. They have made top 10 on America’s got Talent and have released multiple songs.
There will be four different workshops offering hands-on skills for improving connection and mental wellness. Rockbox will be hosting a class on the connection of physical health to our mental health. A trained breathing coach will teach a workshop on breathing as well as a crisis management meditation class. And this year there will be a new “Connection for Children” class, helping kids develop healthy habits in mental wellness while they are young. Sign up on connectionisthecureidaho.org for those workshops starting in January.
Resource booths will include many local resources with information on mental wellness. Plus, a service project! Attendees will be invited to write letters for isolation, to help connect with your community. There will also be a station where people can connect to their ancestors.
Drawings and door prizes will be happening all night!