Stained Glass Intro Workshop Series
Ever been curious about stained glass? Try it out without having to buy all of the supplies! Join us in making your very own unique sun-catcher any gorgeous stained glass sheet color you desire. Choose from one of several small beginner patterns including feather, mini monstera or plant stake. Please allow between 3-4 hours for beginner classes from start to finish.
Visit for more options.
What we provide:
We lend you all the tools needed to complete a small sun-catcher, beautiful and easy-to-cut glass, safety gear and instruction to make your stained glass project. Participants will be taught how to score and break glass, grind using a stained glass grinder, foil individual pieces and solder them together. An instructional sheet is provided, as well as advice on purchasing your own supplies.
What to bring and wear:
Participants are required to wear close-toe shoes and pants. You may bring water but we will avoid eating food in the work areas.
Who can participate:
Anyone over 18! This is a great way to dip your toes and learn a little bit about stained glass, which will hopefully allow you to take a more advanced class in the future or start out on your own. This class is great for individuals, couples, groups, birthday or holiday gifts. Price is per person.
Note: All guests must sign a waiver before taking the class. The waiver will be sent by email.