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Krampus Krawl- Winter Solstice Party


Dec 21 2023


5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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Dress up in your best Krampus outfit, as holiday elves, or even Nordic mythological creatures and join us for a night of winter solstice debauchery! We’ll parade around the block at 7pm and have prizes for best costume, as well as bonfires, and Joker's BBQ serving up the best BBQ in Boise! You can air your grievances by the Festivus pole or set your intentions for the new year by the bonfire. Receive raffle tickets for arriving in costume and for bringing in a toy or gift card for a teens in foster care. ______________________________ 4-8pm: Joker's BBQ serving food 7pm: Krampus Parade around the block 8pm: Raffle winners drawn and prize for best costume. Must be present to win. Raffle Prizes include Barbarian beanies, koozies, gift cards, bottles of beer and a grand prize of a 2024 MEMBERSHIP!


Barbarian Brewery Taproom
114 E 32nd Street


Barbarian Brewing
(208) 375-5639


Dec 21 2023


5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Krampus Krawl- Winter Solstice Party

Dress up in your best Krampus outfit, as holiday elves, or even Nordic mythological creatures and join us for a night of winter solstice debauchery! We’ll parade around the block at 7pm and have prizes for best costume, as well as bonfires, and Joker’s BBQ serving up the best BBQ in Boise! You can air your grievances by the Festivus pole or set your intentions for the new year by the bonfire. Receive raffle tickets for arriving in costume and for bringing in a toy or gift card for a teens in foster care. ______________________________ 4-8pm: Joker’s BBQ serving food 7pm: Krampus Parade around the block 8pm: Raffle winners drawn and prize for best costume. Must be present to win. Raffle Prizes include Barbarian beanies, koozies, gift cards, bottles of beer and a grand prize of a 2024 MEMBERSHIP!