Kid Lightning
Layered with humor, an electrifying score, and dazzling contemporary choreography, Kid Lightning tells the story of a group of talented contestants on a popular game show vying to be crowned the next “Kid Lightning.” These individuals push their limits to claim fame and enter the intoxicating arena of celebrity, only to discover it is more than they bargained for. Equal parts awe-inspiring spectacle and intimate introspection, it contrasts the candy-coated superficialities of pop music and fame with more complex realities found underneath the surface.
- Apr 26 2024
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Kid Lightning
Layered with humor, an electrifying score, and dazzling contemporary choreography, Kid Lightning tells the story of a group of talented contestants on a popular game show vying to be crowned the next “Kid Lightning.” These individuals push their limits to claim fame and enter the intoxicating arena of celebrity, only to discover it is more than they bargained for. Equal parts awe-inspiring spectacle and intimate introspection, it contrasts the candy-coated superficialities of pop music and fame with more complex realities found underneath the surface.