“It’s A Conspiracy!” Comedy Show
Don’t miss the most mind-bending comedy show 2 years running as seen on DryBar Unscripted!
Join us for a wild ride through the world of simulation theory. Laugh, ponder and question reality as our improvisers take you on a hilarious journey through the possibility that our existence is just a hyper-realistic computer simulation. This show sells out quickly, so get your tickets before they’re abducted by aliens or your neighbor down the street.
The show happens Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 8PM at The Creative Space, 121 E 34th St., Garden City, ID 83714. Tickets are $15 online, $20 at the door and $5 for kids 5-12yrs. A selection of refreshments are available for purchase and free parking is located in the front and back lots as well as the streets.