“It’s A Conspiracy!” Comedy Show – Halloween Edition
Don't miss the most mind-bending comedy show 2 years running as seen on DryBar Unscripted!
Laugh, ponder and question reality as our improvisers take you on a hilarious journey through Halloween-themed conspiracies. This show sells out quickly, so get your tickets before they're abducted by aliens or your neighbor down the street.
The show happens Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 8PM located at Recycled Minds, 121 E 34th St., Garden City, ID 83714. Tickets are $15 online, $20 at the door, $5 for kids (5-12). There's free parking in the lot and on the street. A selection of refreshments will be available for purchase.
“It’s A Conspiracy!” Comedy Show – Halloween Edition
Don’t miss the most mind-bending comedy show 2 years running as seen on DryBar Unscripted!
Laugh, ponder and question reality as our improvisers take you on a hilarious journey through Halloween-themed conspiracies. This show sells out quickly, so get your tickets before they’re abducted by aliens or your neighbor down the street.
The show happens Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 8PM located at Recycled Minds, 121 E 34th St., Garden City, ID 83714. Tickets are $15 online, $20 at the door, $5 for kids (5-12). There’s free parking in the lot and on the street. A selection of refreshments will be available for purchase.