Funnier Than Fiction Improv Show
Experience the hilarity of real life turned into side-splitting comedy with "Funnier Than Fiction," an improv comedy show inspired by true stories. This show offers a unique blend of authenticity and absurdity, proving that the funniest moments come from the unpredictable twists of real life. Join Recycled Minds and a variety of talented storytellers for a night where truth is not only stranger but funnier than fiction!
The show happens Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 8PM at The Creative Space, 121 E 34th St., Garden City, ID 83714. Tickets are $15 online, $20 at the door, $5 for kids 5-12 years. A selection of refreshments are available for purchase and free parking is located in the front and back lots as well as the street.
- Jun 22 2024
- Expired!
Funnier Than Fiction Improv Show
Experience the hilarity of real life turned into side-splitting comedy with “Funnier Than Fiction,” an improv comedy show inspired by true stories. This show offers a unique blend of authenticity and absurdity, proving that the funniest moments come from the unpredictable twists of real life. Join Recycled Minds and a variety of talented storytellers for a night where truth is not only stranger but funnier than fiction!
The show happens Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 8PM at The Creative Space, 121 E 34th St., Garden City, ID 83714. Tickets are $15 online, $20 at the door, $5 for kids 5-12 years. A selection of refreshments are available for purchase and free parking is located in the front and back lots as well as the street.